Photo Credit: LightField Studios /

At Casting Frontier, we’ve helped many actors find auditions, casting calls and opportunities.

When it comes to auditions, actors wonder about the one thing that casting directors look for more than anything else when casting a role. It’s a complex answer, but let’s explore what that is and why.

What do Casting Directors look for?

Casting directors consider countless factors when choosing an actor for a role (eg: physical type, acting style, versatility). You name it, and chances are the casting director is thinking about it.

Out of all these variables, there’s one item that stands out and it’s probably not the one you’re thinking of.

Actors often approach an audition by trying to figure out what the casting director wants, then shifting their performance to fit that expectation. This might sound like a smart move until you realize nearly every other actor auditioning is doing the same thing. By approaching a casting call this way, you’re almost guaranteed to give the same audition as everyone else and become forgettable. Even worse, this approach can neuter your acting’s potency.

Instead of starting with what you think the casting director is looking for and working backward, go with your gut and work from there, ignoring your perception of the casting director.

This will help you deliver a more original and more memorable performance and boost the quality of your acting. If you’re following your instincts and trusting your impulses, you’ll deliver a more realistic performance that’s lively, nuanced and believable. In other words, you’ll act better.

This may seem counterintuitive, but more often than not, the casting director doesn’t really know what they’re looking for until they see it. Even if they think they know, the right performance in an audition could completely reshape their view of the character.

If you want to know the most important thing that a casting director is looking for, the answer is easy: they’re looking for something honest, real and true.

They’re looking for you.

Want to get your acting career started? Sign up or login to Casting Frontier and start auditioning today!

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