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Acting requires a deep emotional investment from the actor, which emerges from a profound commitment to the craft, plus collaboration with others to achieve a creative vision. It is a form of artistic expression that goes beyond rational calculations and involves delving into the depths of human emotions, exploring the complexities of characters and conveying the truth of a story.

Here are some thoughts from celebrated thespians and master acting instructors:

What is the importance of an actor’s giving frame of mind?

“Acting is about empathy. It’s about understanding the human condition and portraying it truthfully. We serve the story by connecting with the audience on a deep emotional level.” —Daniel Day-Lewis

“For me, our job as artists is to serve the story, serve the director and serve the fellow actors. And if you do that, by osmosis you’re serving yourself because you’ll get the best out of yourself.” —David Oyelowo

“Acting is not about being selfish; it’s about being selfless. You have to give yourself completely to the role and the audience.” —Cate Blanchett

“Acting is a service profession. It’s about giving of yourself, your vulnerability and your heart to the audience.” —Hugh Jackman

“The beauty of acting is that it allows you to give a piece of yourself to others. It’s about sharing emotions, experiences and stories with the audience.” —Lupita Nyong’o

“Acting is about giving without expecting anything in return. It’s about pouring your heart and soul into a character and trusting that it will resonate with others.” —Javier Bardem

“At the center of an actor’s heart should be a willingness to give. To give of themselves, their emotions and their truth, in service of the character and the story.” —Viola Davis

“The true essence of acting lies in giving. Giving your time, your energy and your passion to create something meaningful and impactful.” —Natalie Portman

“As an actor, I strive to be in a constant state of giving. Giving my emotions, my energy and my truth to the character and the story.” —Anthony Hopkins

“Acting is a selfless art. It’s about giving everything you have to the moment, the scene and the audience. When you give, magic happens.” —Al Pacino

“I see my role as an actor as being a servant to the story. It’s not about me; it’s about the narrative and the characters within it.” —Denzel Washington

“My job as an actor is to serve the script. If I’m looking at it as to see what the best character is, then it’s not really looking at the big picture.” —Frank Grillo

“When I step on stage or in front of the camera, I’m not thinking about what I can get; I’m focused on what I can give. It’s about serving the character, the story and the audience.”
—Tom Hanks

“The greatest gift an actor can give is their complete presence. To be fully present in the moment, to listen, to respond and to give their all to the scene and the story.” —Judi Dench

What interferes with an actor’s ability to give generously?

“You do a service every time you’re honest in a movie or theater piece, You give something … If you’re always saying, ‘What can I get?’ It’s like you don’t have anything. When you say, ‘What can I give?’ You’re saying, ‘I have something to give,’ right? What do you have to give that includes your humor, your joy, your pain, your trauma, your silliness, your imagination?”
—Larry Moss

“Acting is not about what you can get; it’s about what you can give. When actors are solely focused on getting attention or praise, it can hinder their ability to truly connect with the material and the audience.” —David Mamet

“When actors approach their work with a mindset of getting something, whether it’s validation, fame or awards, it can lead to a self-centered performance that lacks authenticity and depth.” —Constantin Stanislavski

“Acting is about giving, not taking. When actors are too focused on what they can get from a role or a performance, they can lose sight of the true essence of their craft and fail to connect with the truth of the character and the story.” —Stella Adler

“Acting is a service profession. It’s not about what you can get; it’s about what you can give to the audience, the story and your fellow actors. When actors become solely concerned with personal gain, it can hinder the collective creativity and collaboration that is essential to great performances.” —Michael Shurtleff

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