Photo by KAL VISUALS on Unsplash

Do any of the following statements sound familiar to you?

  • “I’m an actor because I love learning the craft and getting whisked away into a scene, but how do I go about getting an agent?”
  • “There’s nothing more rewarding than the laughter or applause of an audience, but I’m tired of these no-pay acting gigs;”
  • “I find acting to be a tremendous emotional release, but I feel like I’m stuck in portraying dark characters;”
  • “I made this great webisode, but nobody seems to understand how brilliant it is. I must be ahead of my time;”
  • “I’m not sure if I’m an actor or a politician at heart.”

Whatever motivates or challenges you, author Meta Wagner just might have some compelling insights into your creative soul. Wagner is a professor and the author of What’s Your Creative Type? Harness the Power of Your Artistic Personality, and through extensive research on the topic of creativity, she’s devised a ten-question quiz for creative types. Whether you’re an actor, comedian, filmmaker, artist, writer, chef, gardener, woodworker, or entrepreneur, Wagner seeks to zero in on what most motivates you and help you reach your full potential. Through a combination of creative theory and personality typology, she insists there are five categories of creative types, and she shares her research in both her book and her “cult-favorite” seminar Creativity in Context at Emerson College.

Wagner says: 

“Any artist you’ve ever heard of has had something besides talent, dedication, or luck behind them: Most of them knew ‘why’ they created. When you know what drives you–and what encourages and discourages you–you’re better able to keep yourself on track and enlist friends and colleagues to rally you during dry times or tough times.”

Using numerous stories of famous talents–Daniel Day-Lewis, Michael Jackson, and Emily Dickinson to name just a few–Wagner highlights their creative style and the lessons they learned along the way to reach their potential. Drawing parallels between you and them, she offers practical advice to keep you focused on moving forward in your creative pursuits.

Wagner’s Five Creative Types:

The A-lister’s work is most worthwhile when receiving positive feedback. This person strives to make an impact on others whether it be an audience, family, or friends. They are competitive and good with self-promotion.

The Activist brings a strong sense of responsibility to the creative process and wants to draw awareness to a cause. Wagner says this type of talent “wants their creativity to right wrongs and change the world.”

The Artisan is self-motivated and throws him or herself into the creative process for the joy of the work itself. Not motivated by money or fame, the Artisan makes a great collaborator.

The Sensitive Soul is motivated by pouring their emotions into their creative outlets. Through their art, they make meaning of their personal struggles or others’ stories. In doing so, they inspire or comfort others in the process.

The Game Changer has a tendency to become bored with what’s common. Determined to break new ground, whether it be the content or the process, these visionaries seek to innovate. And they may be misunderstood.

While many people can see themselves fitting into more than one of the creative categories, they might discover they’re predisposed to one in particular.

As Wagner says, “Take the quiz, discover your type, and embrace a life fueled by your imagination and art.

Take the quiz now.

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