To post your casting, please press the button below.
Once we review your casting, it will be posted and we will email you login details.
Call 323-300-6129 or email
Cathi Carlton, Cathi Carlton Casting, Los Angeles, CA
I love the way Casting Frontier’s submissions program integrates with the sessions. At callbacks, I can easily access an Actor’s profile and bring up his or her video, resume, or additional photographs. When reviewing the casting, Directors are able to just click on a button to see the Actor’s full profile. Casting Frontier is the way of the future. There is no other submissions or posting program that even comes close.
Scott Goodhue, President/Talent Agent Taylor Royall, Baltimore, MD
Casting Frontier has upped the standards. Once our clients see it, they love it. Instant Search and Play with Role Sorts replace hunt-and-peck reviewing. iSession’s easy to learn, fast and met with oohs and ahhhs.
Eryn Goodman, Lana Veenker Casting, Portland, OR
Casting Frontier has streamlined our process from beginning to end. In a matter of a few weeks, we had cut hours out of the scheduling process and we were no longer stuck in the office editing and uploading into the evening. The team at CF is always extremely helpful, friendly, and (perhaps more importantly) AVAILABLE. Not only are they always there for us, they’ve been instrumental in getting the agents in our region up to speed as well. I love knowing that if a problem arises, I can count on it being taken care of in short order.
Jayk Gallagher,
The future is now…. These days you’d be hard pressed to attend a commercial audition without being asked for your Casting Frontier barcode.
Joe Blake, Joe Blake Casting, Santa Monica, CA
Casting Frontier uses cutting-edge technology that simplifies, yet enhances, the casting process. It fully integrates all aspects of casting with ease of use, and provides talent with a flexible, cost-efficient tool to showcase their work. If you’re not using Casting Frontier, you’re still mailing paper headshots.
Ali Khan, Casting Underground, Hollywood, CA
Casting Frontier’s Edit Selects mode is the fastest, easiest and most precise way to edit, period. In general, the system is loaded with flexible solutions that are designed to be used by even the most novice computer user. If I’m not using iSession at the end of a long casting day, I can assume I’ll be in for a long tedious night of editing.